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Chronic Inflammation: Sneak Peek

Ever wondered what we talk about in the 16-week Healthy Foundations program? From menu planning to a grocery store field trip to inflammation, we tackle topics in a supportive group setting to help you build positive lifestyle habits. Many of our past participants have said things like, "I love my lecture classes! We were so connected when someone was missing we noticed. We talked openly and we're connected."

Here is a sneak peek at some of the discussion from the Overcoming Chronic Inflammation session in week 7 of the Healthy Foundations program.

Causes of Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Acute Inflammation

•Bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic infection
•Foreign bodies [splinter, bee sting]
•Immune reactions [allergies]

Chronic Inflammation

•Persistent injury or infection
•Prolonged exposure to toxins [poor diet]
•Poor lifestyle habits [smoking, sedentary]
•Fat cells
•Autoimmune disease – self attack on own tissue
•Rheumatoid Arthritis
•Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease

Which foods make up the Standard American Diet?

•Omega-6 Fats/Vegetable Oils = inflammatory
•Processed, packaged, convenience foods
•Fried foods, fast food
•High Glycemic Foods/Sugar = inflammatory
•Processed, packaged, convenience foods
•Refined grains, French fries, chips
•Food additives, food colorings, preservatives, artificial ingredients = inflammatory
•Huge portion sizes

6 foods that cause inflammation (Authority Nutrition).

Check out the entire 16-week schedule to learn more about the group support and education series.

Learn more about the Healthy Foundation program by attending one of our free informational meetings. You will also receive $25 towards a new Pinnacle Medical Wellness fitness membership just for attending!

RSVP for one of our free informational meetings!

Wednesday, February 17, 6pm - 7pmPinnacle Medical Wellness - Maple Valley
Wednesday, February 24, 12:15pm, Valley Medical Center - Lifestyle & Fitness Center
Monday, March 7, 12:15pm, Valley Medical Center - Lifestyle & Fitness Center
Wednesday, March 16, 6pm - 7pm, Pinnacle Medical Wellness - Maple Valley
Wednesday, March 23, 5:15pm, Valley Medical Center - Lifestyle & Fitness Center

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